Jay Cinema & Chow - "ALCDELUXE" EP

Record Reviews
Jay Cinema & Chow  - "ALCDELUXE" EP

Jay Cinema & Chow



I've been following Jay Cinema since 2020 when I heard his songs "2.75" and "Pealy Gates" off his debut EP titled "Staring at the Sun." Could tell then based on his lyrics that he was wise way beyond his years and since then dude has been prolific as fuck releasing something like 15 projects. It's just been cool to watch him continually grow and progress as an artist over all those releases. I'm always down, and this new one is no expection.

"ALCDELUXE" EP is Jay Cinema and producer Chow linking up once again and cranking out this follow up to their collaborative full length project from the begginning of the year called "Alchemy", check that one out too. This EP features all-new tracks for a limited cassette release, these aren't B-sides but rather entirely new works. And they're great, dig in!

Favorite track on here is Wipe The Dust Off. Jay's got a new one called "SAVETHEYOUTH" that I like a lot too.

  • Travis Keller

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