Aphex Twin - "Music From the Merch Desk (2016 - 2023)"

Aphex Twin
"Music From the Merch Desk (2016 - 2023)"
Cover of the year for me boys.
38 tracks clocking in at over two-and-a-half-hours so yeah this one ain't for the faint of heart. Go big or go home Richard was thinking here. Now I guess this a digital streaming compilation of various physical EPs he sold at merch tables when he played live between 2016-2023. So basically this is all new music unless youre a total geek for this dude. Feels to me like it hasn't been sequenced at all, it's just a dump cuz it's all over the place no actual like flow. It's got some really cool shit on here and some stuff feels like sketches that are at various stages of completion and some just sounds like dude fucking around on new gear. I'm down with it all tho...
If you're not familar with Aphex Twin this won't be your gateway but if you're already a fan you should know the drill. For the newbies I'd start by diving into any of the selected ambient works albums, "Richard D. James Album" or "Drukqs" first. For me this was a good "put this bitch on and clean the house" nn34mr4t5 record. I dunno what my favorite track is cuz shit is long as fuck. Peace.
- Travis Keller
Axl sez: